
A black and white silhouette of a woman's profile. She is wearing white earrings shaped like a lamp.Anglea Lampsbury, Overlord:

Angela is an enigma with unclear motives. We're sure we spoke to her once, but the memory has become sharp and hard to access. We receive messagesemails, memos, visionswe're sure we've seen but can no longer find. The smell of cigarettes and White Diamonds lingers after she's left, so we know she was here... 



A photo of a grey alien puppet with teal webbed ears and a unibrow..

Commander Scully, Head of Marketing & Communications:
The Commander is Angela's right-hand alien though the cynical call him a puppet. Scully is in actuality an amphibious alien from an unknown planet and an accomplished spokes character. 




The world of Angela Lansbury is the creation of Adrianne Schoen, a Creative and Marketing professional of nearly 20 years. This store was created from the desire to design things that are as joyful to make as they are to receive. Its main mission is to celebrate independent creators and their communities. 

A photo of the 'Angela Lampsbury' logo being hand drawn and inked. To the right of that is a photo of a drafting table with several illustrations taped to it.